About the Wig Give
2014 was the first year for the BIG GIVE with the Wednesday Hump Bowling league. In that first year we received about 250 items. From there we were able to start sourcing donations from local companies to be able to give away as part of the donation drive. In 2019 we were able to receive over 1,500 items and over $750 in donations for the Groceries -To-Go program of the Columbus Cancer Clinic. In 2020 the decision was made to incorporate this donation drive into Wigs Off, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The name of the donation drive has been changed from the BIG GIVE to the WIG GIVE to not confuse it with the annual campaign drive of the Columbus Foundation of the same name.
About the Groceries-To-Go Program
Cancer can effect not only the person who is diagnosed but also their entire family; physically, emotionally and financially. With those financial burdens the Columbus Cancer Clinic makes sure that the nutritional needs of the entire family are met! Providing not only non-perishable food items but also essential proteins making sure a meal is never missed. In addition the Groceries-to-Go program also supplies these families with crucial hygiene and cleaning items for themselves and their homes. For more information please visit their website: HERE
Donations needed!!
This list of donations needed are merely a general guideline of those things needed. If you have any questions about items to donate please email: [email protected]